Disclaimer, I say like a lot and go on a lot of digressions. Have fun!
SO yesterday I listened to a replay video from the Girl on Fire Collective.
I'm telling you, like I get nothing, literally nothing, from promoting it so much. I'm not even promoting it, I'm just trying to explain how fucking incredible this group is and how much value it provides. I mean I think I get like discounts on her courses, but like that's beside the point. I don't actually make any money and I think that almost makes it better.ย
Anyway, yesterday I was listening to one of Cara's replays and it was about becoming unbothered I needed to hear that yesterday and it was so fucking cool because I listened to that and then I was able to utilize it so effectively that afternoon.
Why was this?
I was waiting to see if D got this job that he was trying to get because it was going to be the best step in the best direction for our family and for him more importantly. But I kept trying to check my phone because I wanted to see if he was still at the place interviewing and I hadn't heard from him and it had already been an hour and a half. Cara was literally talking about that in the recording, how like, you know what happens when you're bothered by something, you're constantly checking your phone, you're overthinking things, blah blah blah (she didnโt literally say that lol) and that's literally what I was doing.ย
So I stopped and I did what she recommended and I said okay what would unbothered Taylor do in this situation and I knew instantly.
-Unbothered Taylor knew that he got this job, unbothered Taylor is feeling these Jitters inside not because sheโs nervous but because she's like so excited she can feel the energy from the universe coming and blessing us and that is exactly what happened. Not only that, there were a few different instances with this particular job that wouldโve made it so this job wouldnโt have happened for him. But it did and that alone was showing me when I believe in myself, when I believe in the universe, it will happen.
Digression incoming
Yesterday, while trying to be unbothered Taylor, I sangโฆ
What I do sometimes is I make up little songs because my brain is very musical. It only sings for some reason. It's obnoxious as fuck sometimes.
Digression #2
Like if you go on my Instagram you can literally see every single day what song is stuck in my head literally, oh my God that's so annoying, my brain literally just started singing the song that's been stuck in my head all morning that I posted on Instagram, like come on; which by the way is Lost by Bring Me To The Horizon.
Anyway anyway anyway, I started singing a song about like what would Taylor do? What would Taylor do, what does the highest version of myself feel, what does the highest version of myself need to set herself free, it was just flowing out of me. I was just singing it and it's cheesy and it didn't matter, like I'm not going to make a real song out of it but, like it worked! It worked because I realized that I just needed to listen to my soul, I just needed to be me and listen to me, and that will set me free.
Back to our scheduled program
Oh my God, like the revelations I'm having internally because of finally having a support group that actually fits me, that understands me; that knows what I need without knowing, it's just mind-blowing. Like I waited a whole year, literally a whole year, I listened to Style Your Mind for a year before I joined this group because I wanted to make sure that I had the money.
ope another digression
Because one of the things I've been ufucking is my finances. Like how I spend my money. I spend it intelligently now, not on just whatever the fuck I feel like because my ADHD tries to control it. Honestly, that's just an excuse, I have control over my money, no one else just me nothing else just me.
But I waited for a year to join this group, I wanted to so bad for so long, and even though it wasn't a lot of money, it really wasn't, like even now that she's increased the prices but like the quality has upgraded dramatically like worth it still, but like I got lucky and I joined before that happened. And even though the dollar amount is not very much, it was important to me to make sure that I was spending in alignment for this. You guys it fucking paid off because the fucking amount of knowledge that has been downloaded into my brain because of this group has been literally priceless.
Like the money I pay for it is not even close to the value that I'm getting like not even close. I've been in it for 2 months and it has already changed my life, it just is fucking wild but if you can find your group, join it. The Girl on Fire Collective may not be yours but I really encourage you to find your space, find your place where you are supported and encouraged, and where the energy matches yours.
Taylor Cecelia Brook
P.S. Are you wondering where the fuck is the info for this group that I keep blabbing about? Check it out: https://www.girlonfirecollective.com