I’m so bored.
My eyeballs FEEL like cardboard.
Jitterbugs feeling like they are going to pop from my skin.
Making my want to run around like my 5 year old next of kin.
Is it the boredom?
Or the caffeine that can feel like opium.
I’m supposed to be learning…
learning about evacuating
learning about things we shouldn’t have to be learning
But we live in a world
where no one says a word.
A word on how we are destroying this world.
A word on how Mother Earth is so desperately yearning
Yearning to Nurture its children
Yearning to return to the original nature of Mother Earth
Will we ever be there again?
No Longer yearning for the world we once lived in.
No longer yearning for lives now passed
No longer yearning for peace but living in it again.
I truly hope we get there once again.
Taylor Cecelia Brook
When I was a child, and I would say "I'm bored." My father always responded by saying "boredom is a sin." I never understood what he meant, until I grew up and realized how many things there are in the world to be curious about. I think I lost my curiosity muscles sometime between ages 5 and 10. And I had to exercise them back into shape sometime in my 40s.